The shower took place at the Hui's lovely home. I adored the colors & decor of the shower. The fresh, clean, & pastel colors of the shower were simply superb. Also, the soft natural light made me a very happy photographer (especially indoors). I am sure that you other photographer's understand.
Precious Hope.
The food all looked gorgeous. Especially the vibrant fresh fruit.

All the details. love them.

These sweet girlies had such a blast at the shower. They are cousins & friends. Its adorable! :)

Little Faith (named Faith just like her auntie!) is so precious. She always gives me a big hug when I see her & always has a lot of photo questions to ask me. She is a sweetie!

I love this shot of Hope's sister Grace. While reading the blog dedicated to the adoption of Hope, I came across several photos of artwork Grace had drawn of her future little sister & her. It was seriously the most sweet & heartwarming artwork ever. Grace is so excited to have a little sister & she has been patiently waiting for years. She is going to be the best big sister.

The adorable party favors. I don't know about you but party favors were one of my favorite things at parties when I was little. :)

The party was full of laughter!

Faith's sister & her precious baby girl.

The guests played several games, talked, & laughed. Faith introduced each of her friends at the party & it was wonderful to hear how each guest has made a impact in her life.

Gift opening time! These gorgeous dresses were made by Faith's mother.

A baby romper. How cute is that?

This is precious little Pearl. She has gotten so big! You probably remember her from this post.

I love this shot. The girls were thrilled with all the wrapping & tissue paper from the gifts.

Faith and her friend Brenda.

The whole family! :)

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