Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm back.

im back from nyc! it was an amazing trip that i will remember years from now :) i made plenty of hilarious, embarassing, and lovely memories that i will be sure to share with all of you in a blog post soon! keep an eye out for a huge re-cap post, and a photoshoot in central park post!

*oh and my blog hit 15,000 views since June 2009! Thank you!!!! :D


  1. 15,000 views?? oh my gosh woman! That is AMAZING! Mine hasn't even hit 600 yet!
    wow, go you!

  2. haha yep that was a pretty amazing trip :D
    (oh i posted pics of you on my blog lol from nyc)

    cant wait to see your pics!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! Your sweet words always make me smile! :D