Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Vacation Out West! :) {Travel}

I recently got back from visiting my relatives out west in Idaho...I had a wonderful time seeing family and spending time with relatives I only see once a year!

I loved shopping downtown with my cousin at all these cute boutiques, spending time with aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents, watching and going to movies, special dinners and time with family, swimming at my aunt's beautiful pool, shooting my parent's reunion picture (a post to come later on this), looking up at the stars while listening to taylor swift, going to tons of AMAZING fast food restaurants lol, walking places with my cousin, shopping with my mom, eating my grandma's incredible meals, etc!!

Out in the west life is so much slower and relaxing so it was nice just to be able to slow down life!
The first night we went to dinner at this chinese restaurant and bowling with my dad's family...


My Grandparents :)


Of course my little siblings got in the water fountain right away ;)

Me in my bowling shoes, haha can you say NERD???


Me and my cuz, Lily! We only see each other about once a year but we have a total blast together! :D I stayed with her for several days while my parents were in Canada for their anniversary. When I got to her house, our sweet aunt had left us each gift cards for shopping downtown!

We had so much fun together, walking downtown, renting tons of movies, shopping, watching lots and lots of What Not to Wear's, swimming, getting sno cones, etc!


I got this adorable camera necklace at one the stores downtown :D


Becca at my aunt's pool :) She has the most beautiful backyard and pool. Her pool is one the coolest I have seen (it has two waterfalls and beautiful rocks and flowers all around it!)

The top of the pool :)

My mom and dad had their high school reunion while we were there. My mom and dad met in highschool so its nice that they have the same class and know the same people. One of the weekends they had a picnic for all the families to come and meet each other.

Becca at the picnik
I love how my little brother is looking up at my sis in this!
My mom and one of her best friends from highschool :) They kinda have too much fun together!

One of the last nights we were in Idaho my Grandma hosted a anniversery dinner for my parents at my mom's, cousin's, restaurant.

My Dad, my grandpa, and my dad's siblings.
My Dad, Grandma, and Mom :)
The food was very delicious but looks like someone had too much to eat! Lol!
My mom and dad!
My Grandma and Mom.
My sweet aunt asked me to take some pictures of her and my uncle. My aunt and me are the total picture people in the family. Between the two of us we are taking constant pictures and my family gets pretty annoyed lets just say!
My uncle and my mom!
On the last day I spent some more time with Lily and my uncle and we went to a bike show where different artists from the area has painted old bikes.

On the way home..
My doodle page and the safety booklet that they have had for forever!!!



  1. I love that picture you took of the bike! aren't vacations just lovely :)

  2. Looks like you had a great time :)

  3. These are so great Nicki! Oh my wow the pool looks so awesome (:


Thank you for taking the time to comment! Your sweet words always make me smile! :D