Abby is one of my dearest and closet friends and I have known her since I was in 2nd grade, yup a pretty long time! I am sure you rememeber her from some other posts, because being my one of my top models we have done ALOT of photoshoots together. Sharing our love of photography has been so amazing because we can talk about our photoshoot sessions together, share tips, and of course share how annoying that photo progam has been or how the html isn't working right, etc!
Abby can always make me laugh and I feel like I can tell her anything. We know each other inside and out and we have done soo many thing together. We are constantly dreaming about going to Greece together, or a tour of Europe, or moving to NYC to pursue commercial photography, etc. We always have an idea up our sleeves and thinking up ways to make our dreams a reality.
Having a close friend you can depend on has been so important through these "dramatic" and drama filled middle school and now high school years. Having someone you can depend on and know is always going to be there for you through thick and thin is soo important.
So Abby, thanks so much for being a wonderful friend and always being there for me. We have way too much fun together and I know we are going to stay friends forever! Thanks for making me laugh and always feel better about any situation!
love you!

This is how our friendshop started, by writing lots of little notes and later e-mails, then chats, now texts. ;)
I have a whole shoebox of all the little pen pal letters we wrote. Abby was my first friend that I made all by myself, not because of my mom or parent's friends. :)

Ahh, these are just too adorable! I love going through notes from friends from like the 2nd and 3rd grade (when we were just learning to spell and all that fun stuff!)
One of the funnest things we have ever done! NYC last May!
1. Rides on the golf cart to the country store or the woods. creepyy! Hiding from the "yellow man" and "billybob!" Making those scrapbook pages!
2. Going to D.C for my 13th birthday and tea at the Mayflower Hotel. First Taxi and Bus Ride!
3. Being on volleyball teams together since we were in 6th grade. Breaking my glasses twice with your hard sets and bumps. ;) Varsity team together this year! Woot!
4. History class for 2 years, and lots of fun projects. Haha, the nurse and the soldier. ;)
5. LOTS of photoshoots. Sometimes fails, but hey they were fun. Those first photoshoots were hilarious.
6. Tyson’s Corner Shopping. Getting your first Coach item and my first Juicy item. Ohh, and meeting your favorite Nolan Gerard Funk then watching that award winning movie Spectacular!
7. Kennedy Center performances! Haha, the Nutcracker Ballet (with all those tight little outfits and the binoculars! lol soo immature!)
8. Karaoke and Music Videos. (Imitating Miley Cyrus singing Fifteen and those emotional songs by you know who.)
9. The Nancy Drew Club-- we were determined to start that club! Oh, and playing Nancy Drew computer games for hours. Haha!
10. Neopets and Club Penguin in 5th & 6th grade, hahah! I can't believe we would spend hours on those websites lol building our guilds. :P
11. My Lua Birthday Party (which you forgot all about! But, at least you still came at the end! ;))
12. Braving through the terrible Middle School years and those hilarious General Science classes with our aero t-shirts and tight ponytails ewww.
13. Our epic Summer 2008 Olympic Videos! Misty May and Karri Walsh!
14. Lots of starbuck's "studying" and a ton of shopping trips (where most of the time we only brought $20 dollars!) And of course alot of photobooths!
15. Trips to the fair and always being partners for the Christmas Craft Fair (haha which we promised we would never do ever again!) Oh, and making that gingerbread house together!
16. Going to NYC with our history class, and getting to stay on extra day. Central Park, Time Square, Shopping, Little Italy, Cupcakes & Pizza--it can’t get any better! ;)
aaaahhhhh!!!!! too cute :D thanks so much i love all the memories you remembered hahahaha. thanks girl your an awesome best friend!